D D4 D Bm
Austere enthroned in white grandeur
But tired a shift
D4 D Bm
A whisper of where you sailed ahead
D Bm
From your eyes
Bm D
I'd never seen you unkempt before
Bm D
As you whispered "Darling close the door"
D D4 D/E Bm
Well how, have I not made a note of every word
You ever said
D D4 D/E
Time, is not on our side
Bm D Bm
But I pretend that it's alright
Bm D
She says the Lord has a plan
Bm D
But admits it's pretty hard to understand
Bm/G Bm D G
Before you leave you must know you are beloved
Bm D G
And before you leave, remember I was with you
verse 2
Are you afraid
How ever could you not be
In this rosy light
This is strange
D/F# Bm
I feel a hand come through the mirror
D Bm
Pointing at the light
Bm D
Pointing at the light we never see
Bm D D/F#
As you put your feathered arms over me
Bm D D/F# G
Before you leave you must know you are beloved
Bm D D/F# G
And before you leave remember I was with you
And as you leave
D D/F# G
I won't hold you back beloved
Bm Bm/A G G/F# Bm Bm/A G
You sit
D G Bm
And talk the stars down from the sky
Bm D G
Down there, forget the chaos in your eyes love
Bm D D/F# G
And as you leave you must know you are beloved
Bm D D/F# G
And as you leave I can see the wild has come for you
Bm D D/F# G
And as you leave I won't hold you back beloved
Bm D D/F# G
And as you leave see my children playing at your feet