A Long Way From Montana

Tom: C


fácil |||||
             C              Em            F  
A long way it is from Montana
C                                                              D7                      G7  
To west Texas whether by hoof or by rail
C              Em            F  
A long way it is from Alzada
C                                                                      G7                      C  
To innocence lost somewhere out on the trail
        Em                 F  
My heart is lonesome and longing
C                                                                      D7                              G7  
My comrades are gone on the first morning train
C              Em                              F  
And my heart hears a boyhood hymn calling
C                                                                                            G7                      C  
From a church down the valley comes this old refrain
C                                                 F                    C  
Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling
Am                         D7                         G7  
Calling for you and for me
C                                                            F                            C  
See on the portals He's waiting and watching
                        F      C      G7              C  
Watching for you and for me
          Em      F  
Too many autumns I've watched 'em
C                                                                                 D7                                 G7  
Board trains with their plunder all headed for home
C                 Em      F  
And too many autumns I've stayed here
C                                                                              G7                            C  
To snap out the new ones 'fore winter comes on
                Em            F  
And I wonder who's waiting for them
C                                                         D7                                    G7  
A sweetheart a lover a young wife with babe
C            Em      F  
But I know who's waiting for me
C                                                                 G7                                            C  
A mother and father who's hair has turned to gray
             G7                    C    Am  
Come home come home
D7                                                    G7  
Wanderin' cowboy come home
C                                              F                            C  
Earnestly tenderly I hear them calling
Am            F         C         G7              C  
My son it's time to come home
             Em                 F  
I've lingered long in this country
C                                                                    D7                                    G7  
From high thunder basin to where rim lands start
C                    Em                 F  
And I've lingered too long a sinner
C                                                              G7                              C  
It's time that I pack up and follow my heart
                  Em    F  
A long way it is from Alzada
C                                                                         D7                      G7  
To a little sod house on the west Texas plains
C              Em    F  
A long way it is from Montana
C                                                                 G7                                    C  
But I'm going home on the next southbound train
                  Em    F                         C  
A long way it is from Montana