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A Coragem Pra Se Encontrar |||||
Sentir-se tão longe de tao perto que está Sentir tão perdido...
A Time To Think |||||
There you go, to walk alone again And the floor is your good...
Alive |||||
Another day you trying to escape from an empty place looking...
Betatest 1 |||||
Sobre os olhos do amanha Descubra a vida que te brindou E de...
E Se Num Verso... |||||
Pelos olhos eu deixei passar Tudo aquilo que me fez feliz Nu...
Sometimes |||||
When you wait the light in your life When the lighthings ref...
Stand On The Road |||||
Stand on the road!!!!! Who is that man that can to say But a...
This Wall Betweenness |||||
I can to try Just one more time But even I fall in couting d...
Waiting For Sundown |||||
It's time to move on It's time to build a new start, a brand...
Winter |||||
Winter, you're not alone Dreaming, you"ll come back at home ...