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2014 |||||
Time flies and it seems to me The older ones get the history...
Love You More |||||
The waves come rolling in with the tide. I've been away too ...
Brick By Brick |||||
Brick by brick We build a house And then we broke it down Wo...
Took A Hit |||||
One party to call Two people , One falls No memory, at all I...
Oceaan |||||
Een oceaan om in te vluchten nooit jaloers te hoeven zijn Li...
No Mercy |||||
She walks in and says 'come on, let's have it' She brings ou...
Good And Ugly |||||
We call for love and we think that it's romantic, We hear, b...
Boy Breaks Heart |||||
And the boy broke her heart And her heart broke by boy Throw...
Don't Give Up The Fight |||||
Please don't give up the fight For no reason, but your own I...
Freedom |||||
You got me thinking I'm really thinking Don't want a palace,...
Happy Family |||||
It would be nice if we could all just sleep together It woul...
Het Is Al Laat Toch |||||
Wat een idee, wat een plan, oh verdomme man Waarom ben ik zo...
Ik Hou Van Mij |||||
Ik hou van mij hoor je nooit zingen Ik hou van mij wordt noo...
Shoes Of Lightning |||||
How I wish for a flame that never dies Like a candle and it?...
The Man Who Lost His Pride |||||
Fell out of the family tree Lost my face, saw people gatheri...
Brother |||||
Tabbed by : Marcel Bamberg!! Cadd9: x32030 Aadd9: x02200 It’...
Laugh About It |||||
Can you give me solid ground, cause all my footsteps turn me...
Heros In Town |||||
Tabbed by : Edwin de Jong A x02220 Riff1 Speel Riff1 over de...
Erics Bar |||||
Tabbed by : Quinten Kunst NL [[email protected] *] 22 s...
Lose Another Day |||||
LYRICS (guitar riff) I guess the party is over now I feel li...