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Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus |||||
Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus And to take him at his word J...
This Is The Day |||||
This is the day, This is the day, That the Lord has made, Th...
Trust And Obey |||||
Verse 1: When we walk with the Lord In the light of His Word...
To God Be The Glory |||||
To God be the glory, great things He hath done, So loved He ...
The Greatest Thing My Eyes Have Ever Seen |||||
I've been to a lot of places, I have seen a lot of things Mi...
Tagalog Christian - When I Look Into Your Holiness |||||
Kabanalan ng Diyos ay nakikita Sa Pagibig Mo Hesus nadama La...
Tanging Yaman |||||
Ikaw ang aking, tanging yaman Na dilubusang masumpungan Ang ...
This Little Light Of Mine |||||
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine This littl...
Tunay Na Diyos |||||
Pupurihin ka O Diyos Ang gaming alay ay pagsamba Kaluwalhati...
The Rainbow Song |||||
Father, make me a rainbow, to bridge old and new; Father, ma...
The Rock Music Publishing - Deeper |||||
Verse As I face temptation You will never leave my side Jesu...
The Songs Of Praise |||||
Faithful God rich in Mercy Yes I long to be with You Forgiv...
The Way That He Loves |||||
verse 1 The way that He loves is as fair as the day That ble...
The Wonder Of Wonders |||||
The Wonder of Wonders as she looked on His face That this li...
There Is No Other Name |||||
There is no other name By which men can be saved There is no...
Throne Of Grace |||||
O my Lord, You are so kind O my Lord, You are so kind Mornin...
Timothy Joseph Cardona Rj Buena - Jesus I Love You |||||
Ikaw ang kumot sa tag lamig Ang aking unan at kama sa pag hi...
To Deserve |||||
Create in me a clean heart And renew a right spirit in me Ca...
To You Oh Lord |||||
To You oh Lord we give our praise To You oh Lord most high T...
Tom Wuest - Something Like Scales |||||
In our blindness lead us down that road Pre-Chorus In our v...
Touch Your Heart |||||
Unreserved praise is what I'm gonna offer You Open heaven wi...
Traveling Light |||||
Well I was doubling over the load on my shoulders was a weig...
Tswv Yexus Thov Koj Noog |||||
Tswv Yexus, thov Koj noog kuv thov, Kuv txaav lug cuag Koj; ...
Tuhan Betapa Banyaknya |||||
Tuhan, betapa banyaknya berkat yang Kauberi, teristimewa rah...
Thank You Jesus |||||
Thank you, Jesus, Thank you, Jesus Thank you, Jesus, Thank y...
The House Of The Lord |||||
It is good to be in the House of the Lord Once again to sing...
Tell It Out With Gladness |||||
Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee, God of glory, Lord of love; H...
Temuli Kitibwa |||||
Temuli kitiibwa mu magezi gange Wade amanyi kubwange nze Sse...
Tu Modo |||||
Jesús, al contemplar en tu vida el modo que Tú...
The Secret Place |||||
Who dwells within His most secret place Is never far from Hi...
Ti Salutiamo Vergine |||||
Ti salutiamo, o Vergine colomba tutta pura, nessuna creatura...
Te Taukaea Aroha |||||
Ko te whirika o te taura takata Ahakoa uaina e te ua Whitiki...
The Zeal Of God |||||
The zeal of God has consumed me And it burns within my soul ...
This Is My Commandment |||||
This is My commandment, That you love one another, That your...
Thou Who Wast Rich Beyond All Splendor |||||
Thou who wast rich be - yond all splendour All for love's sa...
The Mighty One Of Israel |||||
The Lord shall cause His glorious voice to be heard And you ...
Thomass Song |||||
Jesus you were all to me, Why did you die on Calvary? O Lamb...
True-Hearted Whole-Hearted |||||
True-hearted, whole-hearted, faithful and loyal King of our ...
The Mckameys - When He Speaks |||||
Broken from the journey beaten from the struggle Straining t...
Take Me Into Your Presence |||||
You oh God, are an awesome, awesome God (Repeat) Take me int...
Take My Breath Away |||||
You're the truth that brings me to my knees You're the life,...
Tell The World |||||
Tell the world the message Take it ev'rywhere To ev'ry tribe...
The Book Of Life - Scott Seibert |||||
Is your name in the book; is it written in the book Is your ...
The Lord Reigns |||||
Verse The Lord Reigns, let the people shout He reigns in rig...
The Mckameys - For The Record |||||
I am not a perfect man I?ve stumbled time and time again But...
The More I Seek |||||
Verse The more I seek you The more I find you The more I fin...
The More I Seek You |||||
The more I seek You The more I find You The more I find Yo...