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156 |||||
From my boat I can see your house, and when the lights are o...
White Lips Kissed |||||
Wake me up only nightmares take me in Through these walls th...
Comforting Sounds |||||
fill 1 (follow the rhythm) chorus OUTRO ...
A Dark Design |||||
Opens up her blouse to the cool night With no shaking of tim...
She Spider |||||
After we go to sleep Our sun rise I will make it the truth o...
Candy Pieces All Smeared Out |||||
The sharpest I've ever been In your arms I'm trying to make ...
Cross The River On Your Own |||||
I know a way to kill the ripple from your touch And what if ...
The Night Believer |||||
Outside I wanna peel off some lace tonight And then I though...
Water Slides |||||
Always not to exaggerated fights Or to defy You're saying by...
Wheels Over Me |||||
Mending hand bleeding and Lend my hands the wheel, you fly o...
Witness |||||
And nearly the time for empty rain Or maybe the you and the ...
Special |||||
you're special, you're like a rocket through me, ohh you're ...
Web |||||
So they went to their car. I was lost in the crowd when I tr...
Her Voice Is Beyond Her Years |||||
Her Voice is Beyond Her Years she's trying to move you she d...
Zookeeper Boy Intro |||||
Ok the rythym, timing, everthing like that isn't tabbed exac...
Zookeepers Boy |||||
Small Faults may appears Tabs by Kristoffer Denmark ...
Louise Louisa |||||
What a day I have had What a day I have had Now it's over, i...
Mica |||||
Notes: Certain parts could be, and probably are, the work of...
Panda |||||
The tabs for verses are pretty similar but have subtle diffe...
Am I Wry No |||||
Oh my! Fallacy! Fallacy in my words I know you And I know yo...
Snow Bridgade |||||
Enable to bring out the something You want to know beneath t...
Snow Brigade |||||
Notes follow this pattern. Enable to bring out the something...
Snowflake |||||
Tonight I won't say tonight it's ok. Always had a feeling i...