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Desmond Dont Go |||||
Desmond don't go They'll eat you I know So please don't go T...
Everbody's Cool |||||
Hide away your love in anger Low esteem without a warning Ki...
Holida Why |||||
I still can recall the time I'll never be the same again You...
Marching |||||
Marching marching till you pop Down with the parade of anger...
Mean Love |||||
I'm in love, I will go wherever you lead Will you be there w...
Mirror Mind |||||
Count me out she said Just for today the world goes by Can't...
Money Or Love |||||
My hands are too cold Just to keep me going Outside is in an...
She Is I'm Not |||||
verse 1 She makes me look at myself ?Till I?m down on my kne...
Soft And Fat |||||
The sun's out over California It's too hot to stay in Take m...
Summerdaze |||||
The sky and the sea girl my burning desire Been tryin' to l...
The Doctor And I |||||
When you're feeling small And you can't say why Count your...