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So help me girl |||||
You could have kissed me like this wasn't gonna last Kept me...
Forever Love |||||
Love, it has so many beautiful faces Sharing lives and shari...
Sing |||||
Some words they can?t be spoken only sung So hear a thousand...
Let Me Go |||||
A room full of sadness A broken heart And only me to blame F...
Face To Face |||||
(Verse) Its a true sign of a soldier Taking care of the hear...
This House |||||
This house, built from stone Bricks and mortar Love and hope...
Jump |||||
Do you sometimes feel your life is leaving you behind With o...
Requiem |||||
Hatches, matches then dispatches All in the embers of my ash...
Since I Saw You Last |||||
(verse 1:) They took my voice Erased my past With all that n...
Dying Inside |||||
How can I make sure no one notices me Dont wanna conversatio...
For All That You Want |||||
I can't sit and wait for you to say If there's room inside y...