Letra de
You Never Even Called Me By My Name

La canción You Never Even Called Me by My Name fue escrita por Steve Goodman y John Prine. Se conoce como la canción country y western perfecta por su enfoque satírico sobre los clichés comunes en la música country, como la prisión, la infidelidad y el alcohol. Goodman la escribió originalmente, y Prine inicialmente se negó a ser acreditado como coautor debido a su naturaleza satírica. La canción se hizo famosa en la voz de David Allan Coe.

Well it was all that I could do to keep from cryin'
Sometimes it seemed so useless to remain
But you don't have to call me darlin' - darlin'
You never even call me by my name

You don't have to call me Waylon Jennings
And you don't have to call me Charley Pride
And you don't have to call me Merle Haggard anymore
Even though you're on my fightin' side

And I'll hang around as long as you will let me
and I never minded standing in the rain.
But you don't have to call me darlin' - darlin'
you never even call me by my name

Well I've heard my name a few times in your phonebook hello hello
And I've seen it on signs where I've played
But the only time I know I'll hear David Allan Coe
Is when Jesus has his final judgement day

So I'll hang around as long as you will let me
and I never minded standing in the rain.
But you don't have to call me darlin' - darlin'
you never even call me by my name

Well I was drunk the day my mom got out of prison
And I went to pick her up in the rain
But before I could get to the station in a pickup truck
She got run'd over by a damned old train

And I'll hang around as long as you will let me
and I never minded standing in the rain.
But you don't have to call me darlin' darlin'
you never even called me,
well I wonder why you don't call me,
why dont you ever call me by my name.