cold heart-break-er, fit ta burn,_and I'll_ rip your heart in two,_
fore ya wake._ It's nuth-in' new ta you,__ 'Cause I
Fig. 2A
line.__ With your bitch slap rappin' and your co-caine tongue,__
(end Rhy. Fig. 2A)
While your breakin'down my back n'I been rackin' out_my brain, it don't
Dv A
push it for more mile-age
but your flaps r' wear-in' thin
don't for-get to call my law-yers
with ri-dic-u-lous_ de-mands
more than I__ can stand,_ 'Cause this
couch-trip's get-tin' old-er,
tell me how long has it been,_
have-n't grown up yet._
w/Rhy. Figs. 2 & sA
With your bitch slap rap-pin'
and your co-caine tongue,_
you get .