So you say you
Are sick of love
Got a mind to
Give the damn thing up
Got a house full
Of stuff your lovers left
Gonna take a bus to
The city dump with it
So you want to
Throw away the old you
But the old you's
Old enough now
It won't make it better
It won't make it better /
Sick of being a lo - ser
so you say
Gonna go out and choose a
New personali - ty
Ain't gonna look at her pictures,
lie awake all night
You're gonna dazzle the future
with your inner light
So you want to
Throw away the old you
But the old you's
Old enough to know
It won't make it better
It won't make it better
set out on that mission too
A little revo - lution
to for - get her
Try - ii - ing
to make it better
So you want to
Throw away the old you
But the old you's
Old enough to know
It won't make it better
It won't make it better
(D E