Bad luck wind been blowin' at my back,
I was born to bring trouble to wherever I'm at.
Got the number 13 tattooed on my neck,
when the ink starts to itch, then the black will turn to red.
I was born in the soul of misery, never had me a name,
they just gave me the number when I was young.
Gonna find me a preacher man, confessing all I've done,
or you can catch me with the devil playing twenty one.
Bad luck wind been blowing at my back,
I pray you don't look at me, I pray I don't look back.
I was born in the soul of misery, never had me a name,
they just gave me the number when I was young.
Got a long line of heartache, I carry it well,
the list of lives I've broken reach from here to hell.
Bad luck wind been blowin' at my back,
I was born to bring trouble to wherever I'm at.
I was born in the soul of misery, never had me a name,
they just gave me the number when I was young
they just gave me the number when I was young.