Letra de
The Plight Of The Bumblebee

verse 1
A humble little bumblebee
one sultry summer day
Worked so hard he didn't see
the cow that grazed his way
He learned about the cows too late
he really hadn't known
the cow was there until she ate
the flower he was on
verse 2
Well, to be a bee or not to be
the bumblebee he said
"If I don't manage to get free,
I'll probably end up dead"
Then he looked around
to try to get away somehow
and he found that he was surrounded by
the insides of a cow
Poor little bumblebee
hard work was his down fall
that's how he got surrounded by
the cow's thick stomach walls
verse 3
Vengence cried the bumble bee
Vengence on this cow
I'll sting her cause she swallowed me
but I can't sting her now.
I'm weak, i'm tired, my pep is sapped
I can't sting her like I should
I think I'll take a little nap
and then I'll sting her good
verse 4
And so the bee fell fast asleep
and slept for hours and hours
in order that he might rebuild
his weakened stinging powers
But in the end this proved too unwise
you see he slept too long
when he woke to his surprise
he found the cow was gone
Poor little bumblebee
you see he slept too long
and now he'll never get revenge
because the cow has gone
Poor little bumblebee
Yes, he slept too long
and now he'll never get revenge
because the cow has gone