The ghost of my room is sit, thinking about me
How could I love you even when you hurt me
If you don't want to know, please say something
My heart is an empty hole, I don't know me
The ghost of my room is sit, thinking about you
How could you hurt me even when I loved you?
I really want to know, please don't lie me
My heart still belongs to you, please don't left me
The ghost of my room is sit, thinking about us
We don't deserve this, baby, I'm so tired
Of hearing: "That was the last time, I promise to you"
I know it's a pretty lie that I don't believe more
The ghost in my room is sit, thinking of nothing
Maybe it's time to learn to live without you
I think that it feels so good, now I really love me
My friends say i'm very cool but I don't care if they lie me
The ghost in my room is laughing with me
He is very good at listening all my problems
Maybe he's all I need for now or forever?
Maybe it's all I need for now or forever?