Hey, take this hammer, take it to the capt
Take this hammer, take it to the capt
You can tell him I'm gone, tell him I'm gone
Because I am not going to take no more kicks and whippings
No, I am not going to take no kicks and whipping
I am not going to take no more, no more this kicks and his whippings
You can tell him I'm gone, gone, gone, you can tell him I'm gone
Captain call me a hard headed devil
Well, the captain call me a hard headed devil
Well, the captain call me, you hard headed devil
And that isn't my name, that isn't my name
Well, the Captain got a big gun, about a ninety-nine caliber
Woah, captain got a big gun, about a ninety-nine caliber
Well the captain got a big gun, about a ninety-nine caliber
He is going to shoot me down if he ever catches me, he is going to shoot me down
But you tell him that I went where the great goose goes
Tell him that I'm gone where the great goose goes
Tell him I'm gone where the great goose goes
Tell him I'm gone, tell him I'm gone, just tell him I'm gone
Take this hammer, take it to the capt
Take this hammer, take it to the capt
Take this hammer, take it to the capt
(fade out)