Letra de
Sing Me Back Home

Sing Me Back Home es una canción escrita y grabada por Merle Haggard. Fue inspirada por las experiencias de Haggard cuando estuvo encarcelado en la Prisión Estatal de San Quentin, reflejando sobre los momentos de humanidad dentro del sistema penitenciario y la conexión con la música.

The warden led a prisoner down the hallway to his doom
I stood up to say goodbye like all the rest
And I heard him tell the warden just before he reached my cell
'Let my guitar playing friend do my request.' (Let him )

Sing me back home with a song I used to hear
Make my old memories come alive
Take me away and turn back the years
Sing me back home before I die

I recall last Sunday morning a choir from off the street
Came in to sing a few old gospel songs
And I heard him tell the singers 'There's a song my mama sang.
Could I hear it once before you move along?' (Won't you )

Sing me back home with a song I used to hear
Make my old memories come alive
Take me away and turn back the years
Sing me back home before I die
Sing me back home before I die