Letra Shiny Happy People

La canción Shiny Happy People de la banda R.E.M., del álbum Out of Time lanzado en 1991, refleja la era post-Guerra Fría con un mensaje de alegría y unidad. La letra fue inspirada por la frase china Shiny Happy People Holding Hands, utilizada en la propaganda gubernamental post-Masacre de la Plaza de Tiananmén. A pesar de ser vista de forma escéptica por el propio Michael Stipe años después, la canción recibió elogios críticos y alcanzó posicione ... Ver más [+]

Meet me in the crowd. People, people
Throw your love around. Love me, love me
Take it into town. Happy, happy
Put it in the ground where the flowers grow
Gold and silver shine

Shiny happy people holding hands
Shiny happy people holding hands
Shiny happy people laughing

Everyone around Love them, love them
Put it in your hands. Take it, take it
There's no time to cry. Happy, happy
Put it in your heart where tomorrow shines
Gold and silver shine

Shiny happy people holding hands
Shiny happy people holding hands
Shiny happy people laughing

Right, here we go!
De, de, de, etc
De, de, de, etc
De, de, de, etc

Shiny happy people holding hands
Shiny happy people holding hands
Shiny happy people laughing
Shiny happy people holding hands
Shiny happy people holding hands
Shiny happy people laughing
Shiny happy people holding hands
Shiny happy people holding hands
Shiny happy people laughing
People, happy people
People, happy people
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