Letra de
She's The Sorta Sheila For Me

Well there ain't many sheilas where I come from
But she's the sorta sheila for me.
'N' they recon I got the ugliest one
But she's the sorta sheila for me.
'N' if ya had a dog that looked like that
You'd shave its arse 'n' teach it to walk backwards
But you couldn't teach an animal to fuck like that
So she's the sorta sheila for me.
Chorus: (play this after each verse)
Yeah, she's the sorta sheila for me
She's the sorta sheila for me
She ain't no fuckin' oil paintin' but
She's the sorta sheila for me.
Well there's no politically correct word for fuckin' fat
Yeah you know the best bit is she's deaf 'n' dumb
And her old man dropped dead and left her a pub
So I'm not as fuckin stupid as you thought I was
E A (normal strum pattern)
She's the sorta sheila for me.
She's the sorta sheila for me.
She's the sorta sheila for me.