Letra Only Difference Between Martydom And Suicide Is Press Coverage

 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &
Do that twice. Then play this next pary straight threw
Do that twice.
It goes back to only Guitars, Singer, and Drums
Then it goes back to the Intro riff
1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &
Do that twice then.
Play once and then it goes to the chorus again.
and all the other little stuff in the back round. (You can add a few
slaps in there or just hold the note out any thing to make noise)
then at 1:45 you have to listen hard but you can hear the
bass start up and it flows into the techno part of the song.
Play that till 1:50 then. You play the bass line with the fake snare.
(listen and you'll hear it)
Play that till 1:59 then. Every thing stops except the synth part.
Then at 2:01 every thing comes back in including the singer.
Play that till 2:09 where every thing cuts out except for the singer.
Then it goes back to the chorus again at 2:13 except the 2nd time is
The ending is pretty simple.(Its all about holding
the notes with the guitar in the back round.)
(Something like that listen to it.)
Have fun...