Letra de
Octopus's Garden

Octopuss Garden fue escrita por Ringo Starr, con la ayuda de George Harrison. Starr se inspiró para escribirla después de un viaje en barco por el Mediterráneo durante el cual aprendió sobre los pulpos y cómo recogen piedras y objetos brillantes para crear jardines. Starr dijo que la idea de la canción le vino cuando estaba pasando por un período difícil con los otros miembros de los Beatles, y la canción habla de encontrar un lugar tranquilo baj ... o el mar donde uno puede ser feliz. Ver más [+]

I'd like to be, under the sea, in an Octopus's Garden in the shade
He'd let us in, knows where we've been, in his Octopus's Garden in the shade
I'd ask my friends to come and see, an Octopus's Garden with me
I'd like to be, under the sea, in an Octopus's Garden in the shade.
We would be, warm below the storm in our little hideaway beneath the waves
Resting our head, on the sea bed, in an Octopus's Garden near a cave
We would sing, and dance around, because we know we can't be found
I'd like to be, under the sea, in an Octopus's Garden in the shade
We would shout, and swim about, the coral that lies beneath the waves
Oh, what joy, for every girl and boy, knowing they're happy and they're safe
We would be so happy,, you and me, no one there to tell us what to do
I'd like to be, under the sea, in an Octopus's Garden with you
In an Octopus's Garden with you, in an Octopus's Garden with you