My soul longs for Jesus in a dry and weary land;
O come, Living Water, Son of God and Son of man.
He's the light in the shadows, He's the lamp to my feet,
My soul longs for Jesus and He longs for me.
verse 2
My soul longs for Jesus from the morning's first light,
Where His mercies, they greet me, like a song in the night.
Ev'ry hour, ev'ry moment, now and forevermore,
Let me sing unto Jesus, nothing pleases me more.
verse 3
My soul longs for Jesus, name above all other names;
Let my life be ever blameless, ever keeping His ways.
He's the Lighthouse that leads me, He's my compass, my guide,
Let my courses follow Jesus by day and by night.
My soul longs for Jesus, He's the Savior from sin;
His blood washes over, praise God, I'm born again.
From the ashes He raised me, death no longer has a hold,
For I belong to Jesus, He paid for my soul.
My soul longs for Jesus, longs for Jesus
My soul longs for Jesus alone
My soul longs for Jesus, longs for Jesus
My soul longs for Je - sus alone
My soul longs for Jesus, what a glorious day,
When the troubles of the ages shall swiftly pass away.
With the armies of heaven He will carry us home;
How I long for You, Jesus, O come, Je - sus, come.