Letra Midnight On The Hill

A floodlit tennis court
We play nocturnal sport
And wear our skew whiff smiles
We wear our skew whiff smiles
A designated driver vehicle
A laugh
Our voices quick and shrill
I tell my secrets to a perfect stranger
It was midnight on the hill
A sudden silence
Too much information
We were struggling with our will
What happened next?
I would like to know
Funny how the moments come and go
The forest opens up
We fill another cup
And feel our senses slide
The bubbles of your nose
Spill on your summer clothes
You grab a guiding hand
The bubbles of your nose
Spill on your summer clothes
You grab a guiding hand
What happened next?
I would like to know
Funny how the moments come and go
What happened next?
I would like to know
The smell of sunscreen
Smeared on the front seat
A bead of sweat drops down
You're misting up my mind
It's getting so confined
You're misting up my mind
It's getting so confined
you're turning the screw
You're misting up my mind
What will I do?
It's getting so confined
you're turning the screw
You're misting up my mind
What did I do?