Letra de
Love of My Life

La canción Love Of My Life fue escrita por Freddie Mercury para Mary Austin, con quien tuvo una relación de largo plazo. La canción refleja los profundos sentimientos de Mercury por Austin, incluso después de que su relación romántica terminara. Se presentó por primera vez por la banda Queen en 1975 en el álbum A Night at the Opera.

Love of my life - you've hurt me,
You've broken my heart and now you leave me.
Love of my life can't you see?
Bring it back, bring it back,
Don't take it away from me, because you don't know, what it means to me.

Love of my life don't leave me,
You've taken my love, and now desert me,
Love of my life can't you see,
Bring it back, bring it back,
Don't take it away from me because you don't know - what it means to me.

You will remember - When this is blown over
And everything's all by the way -
When I grow older I will be there at your side to remind you
How I still love you - still love you.

Hurry back - hurry back,
Please bring it back home to me,
because you don't know what it means to me -

Love of my life
Love of my life