Letra de

A hundred months have passed, Lor ena,
Since last I held your hand in mine,
And felt your pulse beat fast, Lor ena,
Though mine beat faster far than thine.
Twas not thy woman's heart that spoke;
So long ago Lorena you broke
The tie which linked my soul with thee
We loved each other then, Lor ena,
Far more than we ever dared to tell;
And just what might we have been, Lor ena,
If our love had only prospered well
But should we even consider one re gret
For what we?d be now we?ll neither never kno-oo- ow;
For if we try we may for get,
We're the words of thine long years a go.
It matters little now, Lor ena,
The past is in the eternal past;
Our heads will one day lie low, Lor ena,
Life?s time is fading out so fast.
There is a Future O, thank God
Our lives this was so small a par-aaar- art
'Tis dust to dust beneath the sod;
But there, up there, heart to heart.
Still the years creep slowly by, Lor ena,
The snow is on the ground a gain.
The sun?s low down the sky, Lor ena,
And the frost again gleams where the flow'rs have been.