Letra de
Keep Young And Beautiful

Keep young and beautiful
It's your duty to be beautiful
Keep young and beauti-ful
If you wanta be loved
Don't fail to do your stuff
With a little powder and a puff
Keep young and beauti-ful
If you wanta be loved
If you're wise, exercise all the fat off
Take it off, off o'here, off o'there
When you're seen anywhere with your hat off
Have a permanent wave in your hair
Take care of all those charms
And you'll always be in someone's arms
Keep young and beauti-ful
If you wanta be loved
Instrumental Break: Play chords through as follows Verse, Bridge and Verse
Don't fail to do your stuff
With a little powder and a puff
Keep young and beauti-ful
If you wanta be loved
Take care of all those charms
And you'll always be in someone's arms
Keep young and beauti-ful
If you wanta be loved
If you're wise, exercise all the fat off
Take it off, off o'here, off o'there
When you're seen anywhere with your hat off
Have a permanent wave in your hair
Keep young and beautiful
It's your duty to be beautiful
Keep young and beauti-ful
If you wanta be loved
Outro (finish on 2 single downstrums marked !)
Keep young and beauti-ful
If you wanta be loved
If you wanta be loved
If you wanta be loved ! !