Letra de
If I Can Dream

If I Can Dream fue escrita por Walter Earl Brown e interpretada famosamente por Elvis Presley. La canciĆ³n fue inspirada por los asesinatos de Martin Luther King Jr. y Robert Kennedy, simbolizando un llamado a la esperanza y el cambio en tiempos turbulentos. Fue parte del especial de televisiĆ³n 68 Comeback Special.

There Must Be Lights Burn-ing Bright-er Some-where
Got To Be Birds Fly-ing High-er In The Sky More Blue;
If I Can Dream Of A Bet-ter Land, Where All My Brothers Walk Hand In Hand,
Tell Me Why - Oh Why - Oh Why Can't My Dreams Come True? Oh Why.

There Must Be Peace And Un-der-stand-ing Some-time,
Strong Winds Of Pro-mise That Will Blow A-way The Doubt And Fear,
If I Can Dream Of A Warm-er Sun Where Hope Keeps Shin-ing On Ev-er-y-one,
Tell Me Why - Oh Why - Oh Why Won't That Sun Ap-pear?

We're Lost In A Cloud With Too Much Of Rain
We're Trapped In A World That's Troub-led With Pain,
But As Long As A Man Has The Strength To Dream,
He Can Re-deem His Soul, And Fly (He can fly)

Deep In My Heart There's A Trem-blin Question.
Still I Am Sure That The Ans-wer's Gon-na Come Some-how.
Out There In The Dark There's A Beck-on-ing Can-dle Oh Yeah
And While I Can Think, While I Can Talk,
While I Can Stand, While I Can Walk,
While I Can Dream, - Please let My Dream - Come True
Right NOW
Let it come true right now