You were wearing that black dress
coat and cowboy boots
he was there but I didn't care
too busy staring at you
pouring rain with them blue lights flashing
in the hills of Appalachia
close to tears with her makeup smeared
I asked her what had happened
I know that she ain't ready
she won't be for a while
he broke her down and when I'm around
I can see it in her smile
shes finally getting closer
it's just too plain to see
I know that she ain't ready
and that's alright with me
you were wearing that red dress,
pearls and those high heels.
I like the way it made you look,
love the way it made you feel.
I said to you I sure love,
to do this again.
and you said me too,
but I'm just not over him.
I know that she ain't ready,
she won't be for a while.
he broke her down and when I'm around,
I can see it in her smile.
shes finally getting closer,
it's just too plain to see.
I know that she ain't ready,
and that's alright with me.
she started calling be baby,
and two years later I was
down on one knee.
ring in hand,
I said I'm your man and girl
will you marry me?
she said you know that I'm ready,
I have been for a while.
when the bells sound and you turn around,
I'll be walking down the aisle.
this will only bring us closer,
it's just too plain to see,
I know that we're ready,
and that's alright with me.