Letra de
Hell In Paradise

This is hell in paradise
We're all asleep or paralyzed
Why are we scared to verbalize
Our multicolor dreams?
When will we come to realize
We're all stoned or pacified
While the boogie men organize
Their multilevel schemes?
Underqualified for love
Overqualified for life
Sticking our heads in slime
Thinking we're in our prime
Mesmerized by mythology
Hypnotized by ideology
Antagonized by reality
Vandalized by insanity
Desensitized by fraternity
Sanitized by policy
Jeopardized by lunacy
Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh
This is hell!
Penalized by apathy
And living in the world of fantasy
Dancing on hot coal, waiting for the last call
It's adam's ball, eve's call
Wake up, shake up, check out, work out, speak out
Reach out, it's time to, time to, time to
To, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to
This is hell in paradise
None of us wish to recognize
But do we want them to materialize
An endangered species?
(exorcise institution)
(exercise intuition)
Mobilize transition
With inspiration for life