Letra de
Handle With Care

La canción Handle Me with Care fue creada por la superbanda Traveling Wilburys, compuesta por Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison y Tom Petty. La inspiración para la canción surgió cuando George Harrison necesitaba un lado B para el sencillo This Is Love de su álbum Cloud Nine. Durante la grabación, se dieron cuenta de que la canción era demasiado buena para ser relegada a un lado B y decidieron formar una banda y hacer un álbum c ... ompleto. Ver más [+]

Been beat up and battered 'round,
been sent up, and I've been shot down
You're the best thing that I've ever found;
handle me with care

Reputations changeable,
situations tolerable
But baby, you're adorable;
handle me with care

I'm so tired of being lonely,
I still have some love to give
Won't you show me that you really care

Everybody's, got somebody, to lean on
Put your body, next to mine, and dream on

I've been fobbed off, and I've been fooled,
I've been robbed and ridiculed
In day care centers and night schools;
handle me with care

Been stuck in airports, terrorized,
sent to meetings, hypnotized
Overexposed, commercialized;
handle me with care

I'm so tired of being lonely,
I still have some love to give
Won't you show me that you really care

Everybody's, got somebody, to lean on
Put your body, next to mine, and dream on

I've been uptight and made a mess,
but I'll clean it up myself, I guess
Oh, the sweet smell of success;
handle me with care

*Instead of B7 it has been suggested that G+ (Gaug) be used