Letra de
God Of Grace And God Of Glory - God Our Father You Have Led Us

God of grace and God of glory, on thy people pour thy power;
crown thine ancient church?s story; bring her bud to glo - rious flower.
Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,
for the facing of this hour, for the facing of this hour.
God our Father You have led us, To this moment in this place
Focused here within and 'round us, Dreams and hopes unite with grace
God our Father You have led us,
Through Your Spirit lead us still, Through Your Spirit lead us still
God our Father Your Son taught us, Our lives lost for Him are gain
Help us then rejoice in challenge, 'Till our lives Your goals attain
God our Father Your Son taught us,
Through Your Spirit teach us still, Through Your Spirit teach us still
God our Father ever lead us, From this moment in this place
Help us see Divine potential, In each challenge in each face
God our Father You have led us
Through Your Spirit lead us still, Through Your Spirit lead us still