Letra de
God Of Every Generation

Born a - mong the peasant strangers
God in ? carnate came to earth-
Through His pov ? er - ty bore riches
In the mys - t?ry of His birth.
God of ev?ry gener ? a - tion
Reaching out to all man - kind;
How re - lentless His pur ? su - ing
As He draws us to His light.
verse 2
From the dawn of all cre - ation
God the Father in His love
Of - fered up for our re - demption
Je - sus Christ, His on - ly Son.
God of ev?ry gener ? a - tion
Reaching out to all man - kind;
How re - lentless His pur ? su - ing
As He draws us to His light.
verse 3
Through the heart of all be - lievers
Wor - ship echoes age to age.
Hear the church, her saints pro - claiming
Je - sus Christ was born to save.
God of ev?ry gener ? a - tion
Reaching out to all man - kind;
How re - lentless His pur ? su - ing
As He draws us to His light.