Letra de

Dont _ / you are / a-wa- / -ken yet? /
That should / must me / to cost / my life /
Went off / with-out / a word / to_a soul /
A sound / a word / to_a soul / to_a soul /
to_a soul / to_a soul /
I need a fist that can keep most, of it's
se-crets and them that play
se-crets and them that play
So-meone's sto-len a grave
I'm catch cold in the brain
Re-lax an-xious all for the rest of your na-a-tural
O-of your na-a-tural
O-of your na-a-tural
That dead if I lie you
I _ / am catched / cold in / the brain /
You are / pin-king / me with / a pin /
Went off / with-out / a word / to_a soul /
A sound / a word / to_a soul / to_a soul /
to_a soul / to_a soul /
Take that boy and whip him to much Take at-
-ten-tion to cut you self
-ten-tion to cut you self
Take care to dirt you self
A thro-at's ill
Sweet fan-ny, oh, you'll be twitc-hing in a mi-nute when
We hook this ar-my fish
We hook this ar-my fish
That dead if I lie you
May dead if I lie you-u-u-u
May dead if I lie you-u-u-u
So _ / do sweet / fa-a- / -nny all /
for what / we live? / we live / a bunch /
Went off / with-out / a sound / to a soul /
A word / a sound / to_a soul / to_a soul /
to_a soul / to_a soul /
I need a fist that can keep most, of it's
se-crets and them that play
se-crets and them that play
So-meone's sto-len a grave
I'm catch cold in the brain
Re-lax an-xious all for the rest of your na-a-tural
O-of your na-a-tural
O-of your na-a-tural
That dead if I lie you
Take that boy and whip him to much Take at-
-ten-tion to cut you self
-ten-tion to cut you self
Take care to dirt you self
A thro-at's ill
Sweet fan-ny, oh, you'll be twitc-hing in a mi-nute when
We hook this ar-my fish
We hook this ar-my fish
That dead if I lie you