Use your bridge humbucker with the the volume and tone controls on full.
Ampwise aim for a marshall type sound with boosted bass- about 9, middle- about 8, and mid some where in between- about 6/7.
Also use a chorus pedal on the lead licks or 2 guitars play them simultaneously- this includes solos.
// Slide fretting finger up the neck to the indicated fret.
\\ Slide fretting finger down the neck to the indicated fret.
~ Vibrate strings with fretting hands finger up and down in pitch one tone rapidly.
x Strum last note played with fretting fingers lightly touching string- do not 'fret’ note though.
Bend string up in pitch to the indicated fret using the fretting fingers.
Let string go down in pitch to the indicated fret using the fretting fingers.
Play x2.
Play x4.
Play x3.
Play x8
Play x2.
Play x4.
Play x3.
Play x8
Play x2.
Play x4.