Well it might not be im - portant to you now
When the night is yo - ung and everyone's around
And the music flo - ws
Through your doped up Dis - ney mi - nd
But you'll be crying like a baby when it co - mes
And you will try it any - way you can
to find a place to run,
'Cos it ain't no fu - n
In party town,
when loneliness comes cra - shing down
Yeah, when lonely - ness comes cra - shing down
And you'll be hurting in a way you can't ex - plain
And all those pretty thi - ngs you love will look so vain
'Cos the laughing cro - wd is such a hopeless sound
when loneliness comes cra - shing down
Yeah, when lonely - ness comes cra - shing down
And you might not thing a - bout
Just what happens now
as your guests col - lect their co - ats.
In an empty hou - se
full of ashtray doubts
Your formless future floa - ts
So the bad and beauty - ful still re - main
With their de - pleted bou - nty of bad cocaine
we love the house
But we can't quite place the na - me
And it might not be im - portant to you now
When the night is you - ng and you are loose and loud
'Cos there ain't no sou - nd
in party town
Quite like loneliness cra - shing down
Quite like lonely - ness cra - shing down
crashing down