Letra de

La canción Ben fue escrita para la película del mismo nombre en 1972, originalmente interpretada por Michael Jackson. Es conocida por ser uno de los éxitos de Jackson, recibiendo elogios de la crítica y alcanzando el primer lugar en las listas de éxitos. La canción habla sobre la amistad entre un niño y una rata, Ben, que es el líder de las ratas en la película.

Ben, the two of us need look no more,
we both found what we were looking for.
With a friend to call my own, I'll never be alone.
And you my friend will see, you've got a friend in me.
Ben, you're always running here and there,
you feel you're not wanted anywhere.
If you ever look behind, and don't like what you find,
there's something you should know, you've got a place to go.
I used to say I and me. Now it's us, now it's we.
I used to say I and me. Now it's us, now it's we.
Ben, most people would turn you away,
I don't listen to a word they say.
They don't see you as I do, I wish they would try to,
I'm sure they'd think again, if they had a friend like Ben,
like Ben, like Ben