Letra de
Beer Barrel Polka Roll Out The Barrel

There's a garden, what a garden,
Only hap - py fa - ces bloom there,
And there's nev - er an - y room there
For a wor - ry or a gloom there.
Oh, there's mu - sic and there's dancing,
And a lot of sweet ro - man - cing;
When they play the pol - ka,
They all get in the swing.
Ev' - ry time they hear that oom - pa - pa,
Ev' - ry - bod - y feels so tra - la - la,
They want to throw their cares a - way,
They all go lah - de - ah - de - ay.
Then they hear a rum - ble on the floor, the floor --
It's the big sur - prise they're wait - ing for.
And all the cou - ples form a ring,
And for miles a - round you'll hear them sing.
Roll out the bar - rel, we'll have a bar - rel of fun;
Roll out the bar - rel, we've got the blues on the run.
Zing boom ta - rar - rel, ring out a song of good cheer;
Now's the time to roll the bar - rel,
For the gang's all here.