Letra de
Adventure Time - Come Along With Me

La canción es el tema principal de apertura de la serie animada Hora de Aventura, que se emitió originalmente en Cartoon Network. Fue escrita por Rebecca Sugar, una de las guionistas y compositoras del programa. La canción habla sobre ir de aventuras con amigos en un mundo mágico, reflejando la esencia lúdica y creativa del dibujo animado.

Come along with me
And the butterflies and bees
We can wander through the forest
And do so as we please
Come along with me
To a cliff under a tree
Where we can gaze upon the water
As an everlasting dream

All of my collections
I'll share them all with you
Maybe by next summer
We won't have changed our tunes

I still want to be
With the butterflies and bees
Making up new numbers
And living so merrily

All of my collections
I'll share them all with you
I'll be here for you always
And always be with you

Come along with me
And the butterflies and bees
We can wander through the forest
And do so as we please
Living so merrily