Letra de

To You, Lord, I lift my soul
I will trust the One who steadies me
I will wait and have no shame
As You ma - ke me to know Your ways
All my days are Yours

Take me by the hand and lead me in Your truth
Teach my soul to rest only in You
For You are the One who saves
All the length of my days my hope rests only in You

E - ver I will fix my eyes
On the rock who stands much hi - her
You de - fend, You call me friend
You have marked me with your righteousness
Your presence is my home

Take me by the hand and lead me in Your truth
Teach my soul to rest only in You
For You are the One who saves
All the length of my days my hope rests only in You

You are
Good, Lord
Stead - fast
Is Your love

Take me by the hand and lead me in Your truth
Teach my soul to rest only in You
For You are the One who saves
All the length of my days my hope rests only in You