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Roses Are Free |||||
central lead thing e- --------------------------------------...
Ocean Man |||||
Ocean man, take me by the hand, Lead me to the land that you...
Baby Bitch |||||
Better now Please fuck off What (Em) (G) (Dsus4) (Am) ...
Voodoo Lady |||||
Voodoo Lady Shaking that stick and drivin' me crazy Your e...
Mutilated Lips |||||
I lick my brian in silence Rather squeeze my head instead ...
Blue Balloon |||||
As she bounces through the blue sky, everybody's building up...
I Dont Wanna Leave You On The Farm |||||
I don't wanna leave you on the farm I don't wanna leave you ...
Transdermal Celebration |||||
Transdermal celebration Caused a slight mutation In the rift...
Stay Forever |||||
In the morning sun, I couldn't tell you I couldn't tell you ...
The Larney Stone |||||
Get off my ass you wee bitty fuck If I pull out the Claymore...
She Wanted To Live |||||
{verse one} Three men's all there were Three men out at se...
Its gonna be alright |||||
Baby what have I done Gone and left you all alone It's har...
Alcan Road |||||
Then you go back to the first part * * *official lyrics * *...
Blarney Stone |||||
Get of my ass you wee bitty fuck. if i pull out the cramer y...
Chocolate Town |||||
Couldn't taste the taste that I was tastin' Couldn't hear th...
Dont Shit Where You Eat |||||
to hold down the 3rd fret on the 4th string and pull off rep...
Ill Miss You |||||
It could rain for a thousand days Or something I don't know ...
Long Beach Island |||||
I got a good friend knows to get the good peach pie On Long ...
Mister Richard Smoker |||||
Doodley baboo Doodley baboo Doodley baboo bow verse 1 Mist...
Potluck |||||
Potluck, let me run around like you know I do Potluck, found...
Powder Blue |||||
Powder blue, powder blue What can ya do, she's powder blue P...
Push Th Little Daisies |||||
Verse/Intro When you lie, kiss your baby bye bye bye And i...
Right To The Ways And The Rules Of The World |||||
Monsters that twinkle like cats in the night The cosmic conc...
Someday |||||
Someday You will hear me sing a love song One day I'll fi...
Tender Situation |||||
State this ache as the final break Tender situation, create ...
The Blarney Stone |||||
Get off my ass you wee bitty fuck If I pull out the claymore...
The Grobe |||||
MAIN RIFF: x4 Sometimes the ones you hold so close can make ...
Things You Already Know |||||
Grab that wheel And I'll sail you 'round the world in my yac...
Waving My Dick In The Wind |||||
I'm waving my dick in the wind I'm waving my dick in the win...
You Were The Fool |||||
Bless the father bless the son Cross your heart 'cause you'r...
She Caught My Fancy |||||
A Crème de Menthe by the waterside On the rocks, with...
Oh My Dear I Must Be Falling In Love |||||
Key h-hammer on /-slide b-bend r-release bend ()-notes while...
Shes Your Baby |||||
Janey came back from the stand Smiling With the writing of K...
Tried And True |||||
chorus Tried and True I see the light in you Could you dig i...
(for A While) I Couldn't Play My Guitar Like A Man |||||
For a while I could't play my guitar like a man Woulda done ...
I Fell In Love Today |||||
I got nothing to lose I saw the sun in may I've got somethin...
I Got To Put The Hammer Down |||||
I lost my cherry on a side street, to a dirty little woman i...
I'm Holding You |||||
I'm flyin' (flyin') in a frame of my mind that time cannot e...
Its Gonna Be A Long Night |||||
with this over it Main riff Guitar 1 the second guitar over ...
Argus |||||
Melody yes-ter-day we lost our lives tomor-row we were born ...
Piss Up A Rope |||||
My dinner's on fire while she watches TV And if you ever won...
Polka Dot Tail |||||
Dsus 4 552xxx Did you ever see a whale with a polka dot tail...
She Fucks Me |||||
I met her at the Living Earth Show. She crossed the room, th...
Dont Laugh I Love You |||||
and when the sun turns to snow and the grass doesnt grow do...
Buckingham Green |||||
E -0- -1- -0- -0- -1- -0- -0- -0- -0- A -0- -3- -3- -3- -0- ...
Shot Heard Round The World |||||
"SHOT HEARD 'ROUND THE WORLD" Music and Lyrics by Bob Doroug...
Sorry Charlie |||||
(these lyrics are very incorrect, just look/listen for the ...
Squelch The Weasel |||||
Squelch the little weasel - crush him as he spawns Break it ...
Stacey |||||
* * *Solo * * * After this it goes back into the beginning "...
Demon Sweat |||||
Repeated endlessly (listen for the keyboard parts) Each tim...
Buenos Tardes |||||
Buenas tardes amigo Hola, my good friend Cinco de Mayo's on ...
Alone |||||
A =2=1==========1=4==4==========4=2==2=1==========1=4=======...
Buckingham Green Solo |||||
have fun with that- Leigh Hewitt, Melbourne. ...