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Camille Ladd - Drink The Ocean |||||
I have always tried my hardest To keep myself in check Fold ...
Camille Ladd - Heretics And Holy Warriors |||||
You said you would fight anybody that hurt me but you must k...
Camille Ladd - What I Would Bury |||||
I would bury my knife in your chest To see the light come in...
Carolina Ingram - All I Want To Be For You |||||
Sometimes I think about All you?ve had to go through, alone ...
Chris Balogh - Vonneguts Farm |||||
North along Lombardi's tracks Greyhound preacher spoke my fa...
Clint Wilson - Protest Singer |||||
Hey there protest singer Don't you love to tell me the error...
Cory Steighner - Two Little Kids |||||
Two little kids walking down the road Unknowing for all the ...
Charlie Marsden - Astronaut |||||
Hazel eyes that really hypnotize my mind Just then I forget ...
Chessylennart - Haystack |||||
Hey You No Nevermind It’s Like Finding A Needle In A H...
Colin How - Nows The Time |||||
No more waiting for the run down Frozen moment in this ghost...
Charlie Campbell - Call You Mine |||||
you made me smile, I haven't in a while, when I was in the d...
Colby Handley - The Day We Told Grandamama Bye |||||
It’s been two months since I seen her face Covid came ...
Colby Handley - With River By My Side |||||
Spend my days living the dream Searching for answers to unan...
Cradle - Blossom |||||
Met this girl I’m pretty sure you’d like Her hai...
Clan Of Luzbel - Bass Me |||||
Cuando sepa la verdad estarás lejos sin saberlo esto...
Clan Of Luzbel - Sol Al Anochecer |||||
Esta noche te despertaré Y sin pensarlo se que t&uac...
Clan Of Luzbel - Siempre |||||
En un día tan extraño Imagino momentos que y...
Cory Logan - Lovers Song |||||
I love the way she smiles Her love makes me feel so fine I l...
Cals Weasels - Cybertruck Blues |||||
Wild and free were my Tesla and me but now she's gone. Shall...
Cameron Egbert - If I Could Write A Somg |||||
Bouncy, Upbeat If I Could Write You A Song … What Wou...
Charis Stubblefield - Stressed Out |||||
Fine OK, I'm stressed out I can't take it no more Trying to ...
C7 Hf - Darkness |||||
Who are you,the first time we met; we walked through the wo...
Chris Coles - I Would Give The World Away For You |||||
You are so sincere You make me laugh and calm the fear Right...
Claudio Pollero - El Miedo Es Ilusión |||||
Y yo aquí pensando estoy Ahora me doy cuenta que No s...
Claudio Pollero - Now |||||
Asus2(b6) x03201 Bring your Heart in to the now Now is this...
Chris Harper - None Yet |||||
We both lie here a staring At the dark on the ceiling As sha...
Cosmo - Two Different |||||
These two different worlds These two different lives These t...
Claudio Pollero - Know Yourself |||||
Know yourself my friend Live your life consciously Have a he...
Claudio Poller - I Know Who You Are |||||
Start where you are Use what you have Do what you can The ti...
Claudio Pollero - Serenidad |||||
Serenidad ya dentro esta. Dejar de pensar Contemplar y senti...
Claudio Pollero - Face Yourself |||||
Emaj7sus2: xx2442 God put us all under house arrest. We&rsq...
Claudio Pollero - Tranqui Se Ve Todo Mas Claro |||||
Tranqui se ve todo mas claro Cuando todo esta tan obscuro La...
Claudio Pollero - Quintana |||||
Yo nací en Quintana entre Las Heras y Guemes Tenia mu...
Claudio Pollero - Let Yourself Go |||||
Mind is racing. Breathing is shallow There is an absence. Yo...
Claudio Pollero - Butterfly Beach |||||
There is a place not far from here Where troubles disappear ...
Claudio Pollero - Time To Get Up |||||
Hey what you gonna do When the house burns down Hey where yo...
Claudio Pollero - This Life Is Real |||||
I’m here waiting in line, I’d rather be somewher...
Claudio Pollero - What I Am Suppose To Do |||||
what I am suppose to do when I feel that I tried everything ...
Claudio Pollero - Be Positive |||||
Please try to be positive Don’t do the mistakes of the...
Colin How - Sequence Of Sound |||||
If you want to I wouldn't wait or hesitate Make your move no...
Carsten Jensen - Coney Island |||||
Der er sne på Coney’s tage og spor der fø...
Christophe Rheault - Ill Be Leaving Soon |||||
I saw you standing on the sidewalk With that sad look upon y...
Curtis Davis - Santas Gonna Bring Us Some Presents |||||
Let me tell you a secret that I know If you don't want Santa...
Craig Landes - Wild Turkey 101 |||||
Making memories with the boys When that Wild Turkey called G...
Charlie Hueber - No Rain No Rainbows |||||
I wake up to a cloudy sky Feeling down and I don't know why ...
Chris Hurst - Pissin In The Snow |||||
When the World looked like a cake, I had to put my foot in i...
Caleb Drake - Movin On |||||
Tear drops on this old guitar as I Wrote This Song With A Br...
Celin - Love You In The Rain |||||
Because I’ll always love you, even though the Sun stop...
Carole L Abbott - My Prayer To You |||||
I’ve been having a hard time Trying to catch my breath...