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Revelation Song |||||
Worthy is the, Lamb who was slain Holy, Holy, is He Sing a...
Forever |||||
The moon and stars they wept The morning sun was dead The Sa...
The More I Seek You |||||
The more I seek You The more I find You The more I find Yo...
I Am Not Alone |||||
When I walk through deep waters I know that You will be with...
The Blessing |||||
The Lord Bless You And Keep You Make His Face Shine Upon You...
You Are For Me |||||
So faith- ful, so con- stant So lov- ing and so true, so pow...
No Sweeter Name |||||
VERSE No sweeter name than the Name of Jesus, no sweeter nam...
Acalme-se |||||
Ele está para o aflito e o Desamparado com medo Ele é a Paz ...
Hands To The Heavens |||||
We are your church We are your sons and daughters We've gath...
Tu eres para mí |||||
Amoroso, constante Verdadero y fiel Tu poder en mí es tan re...
Let The Heavens Open |||||
You are welcome in this place Welcome in our hearts Come and...
Tu Bondad |||||
Tu bondad me lleva a arrepentirme Tu dulcura me acerca a Ti ...
Digno Y Santo |||||
//Digno y santo el cordero inmolado en la cruz Nuevo canto l...
My Beloved |||||
You're My Beloved, you're My Bride To sing over you is My de...
You Are Good |||||
VERSE Your kindness leads me to repent- ance Your goodness d...
Healer |||||
You hold my every moment You calm my raging seas You walk wi...
We Are |||||
Every secret, every shame Every fear, every pain Live inside...
Everyone Needs a Little |||||
Come all ye weary and ye broken Come to the table of the lor...
Steady My Heart |||||
Wish it could be easy. Why is life so messy Why is pain a pa...
What Love Is This |||||
You never change You are the God you stay you are When I'm a...
We Cry Out |||||
Father of life, seated on Your throne of grace It's only by ...
Sweep Me Away |||||
(Repeat) VERSE 1 Father, I love Your ways You came in Your m...
Sanctuary |||||
VERSE People places Names and faces They come and they go Le...
Pure |||||
(Repeat) VERSE Your love is pure, Your love is precious Your...
You Alone |||||
You alone, oh God, are gracious Gave Your life to freely sav...
Joyfully |||||
You lead me by the waters still You lay me down to rest upon...
Hear Us From Heaven |||||
Lord, hear our cry Come heal our land Lord, hear our prayer ...
Be Still |||||
He is here for the broken and life to the one who is undone ...
Find You On My Knees |||||
Troubles chasing me again, Breaking down my best defense, I'...
Here |||||
Come and rest here Come and lay your burdens down Come and r...
How He Loves |||||
He is jealous for me loves like a hurricane I am a tree bend...
Love Came Down |||||
If my heart is overwhelmed And i cannot hear your voice I ho...
One Desire |||||
Here i am Just for you, only you Here i stand Wanting you, o...
Que Bello Amor |||||
No cambias Dios por la eternidad seras Me calmas Dios cuando...
Rise |||||
Lead us to you Show us your mercy Your majesty lifted up on ...
Run To You |||||
Lord you're calling me Lord you're beckoning With love aboun...
Stars In The Sky |||||
Take the Moon Take the earth and watch it move Under Your co...
Breathe on Us |||||
There is a shaking, let hearts awaken Our god is moving fore...
Come To Me |||||
Come to me, you weary one And I will give you rest, I will g...
How Majestic |||||
Without a word, the mountains speak The song that all creati...
Keeper Of My Heart |||||
From the first to the last breath I breathe The Lord watches...
Look Upon The Lord |||||
Look upon the Lord, stand in awe of his beauty Look upon the...
Lord Over All |||||
In the valley of the unknown I will lift my voice In the shi...
Only Your Love |||||
Your love is strong and mighty Its jealousy unyielding It bu...
Somos la luz |||||
Hay secretos que guardar y temores que enfrentar Nuestra id...
Tu amor vino a mi |||||
Si se angustia el corazón y tu voz no alcanzo a oír, me afer...
Adore Him |||||
Countless days on a journey that led so far Endless nights t...
Always Enough |||||
Verse I I lift my hands to the highest of all As I draw near...
Be Still My Soul In You I Rest |||||
verse 1 Be still, my soul, the Lord is on thy side Bear pati...
Cancion De Revelacion |||||
Digno es el Cordero Santo Santo, Santo es El Levantámos, nue...
Espera |||||
Esta aquí para el dolido Es vida para el que no puede mas El...
I'm In Love With You |||||
Can I sing You a song Can I pour out my heart To say Your lo...
Jesus, Lover Of My Soul |||||
Jesus, lover of my soul All consuming fire is in Your gaze J...
Messiah |||||
The world is waiting For a baby's cry The Promised moment Is...
Meu Tudo |||||
Maravilhado por tua glória me prostro ante a ti com tudo que...
Singing Over Me |||||
When I waited so long, when my tears were my song With my ho...
Speak To Me |||||
The sound of many waters Calms the sea in me The voice that ...
We Exalt Your Name |||||
Spirit come and change the atmosphere convict and open heart...
When Hope Came Down |||||
So This Is How It Was a Silent Night like any other, When He...
When You Walk In The Room |||||
When You walk in the room When You walk in the room When You...
Sala Do Trono |||||
Rendeste os céus O véu tornou-se em dois Nos deste o espír...
Amén |||||
Creo en Ti, mi Salvador Cristo por amor, de la tumba mi alm...
Miracles |||||
The One who made the blind to see Is moving here in front of...
I'm Singing |||||
Only one name lasts forever Only one fame stands alone Only ...
Yahweh |||||
From the first break of light, to last days. Every echo of t...
Every Secret |||||
The Cross Is My Confession |||||
Approach my soul, the mercy seat Where's Jesus answers praye...
First Love / Embers / Obsession |||||
I’m returning to the secret place Just an altar and a flame ...
Le Canto |||||
Solo un nombre sera eterno Solo él la era cambio Solo un rey...
Por La Causa De Cristo |||||
Lo único que anhelo hoy Es conocer más de tu amor Tu iglesia...
The Garden |||||
I had all but given up Desperate for a sign from love Someth...
I Will Sing |||||
I need to see You here I need to know You're in control Thou...
Abre hoy los cielos |||||
Tu, bienvenido eres En nuestro corazón Ven haz tu voluntad D...
Revelación |||||
Digno es el cordero santo Santo santo es él Lévantamos nue...
Fall Afresh |||||
Let this be a place where you long to come As we make a way ...
No hay otro nombre |||||
No hay otro nombre que sea tan dulce, No hay otro nombre com...
Oh el poder |||||
Rodillas en tierra al respirar tu palabra Mientras viste la ...
Heal Our Land |||||
You take our lives Flawed yet beautiful Restore ,refine Lord...
Por Siempre |||||
La luna entristeció El sol se apagó Cayó el salvador del mun...
Bello |||||
Aqui ante tu altar me despojo de lo que me aferré de todo im...
Gozándome |||||
I Confio que en aguas de quietud, me ofreces reposar en tu f...
Tu nombre exaltaré |||||
Santo Espíritu Trae convicción y abre todo corazón La adorac...
Savior's Here |||||
You bring hope You bring life Awaken hearts, open eyes With ...
Forever - Pra Sempre |||||
O Sol se apagou O Céu escureceu O Salvador do mundo entregue...
Eu Sei Que Tu És Por Mim |||||
Fiel e constante Amavel e real, perfeito em tudo o que És Me...
Vuelvo a tus pies |||||
Mis pesares otra vez me han llevado a tus pies Te busco hoy ...
Lover Of My Soul |||||
King of glory come I surrender all Hear my simple song I lov...
Mi mayor pasión |||||
Vengo ati, solo ati señor Más de ti es mi oración TU presenc...
A ti correré |||||
Veo que me llamas Dios Me haces señales Dios Con amor abunda...