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Glorious |||||
Glo - ri - ous, shout it out. And, glo - ri - ous, make it l...
Glorioso |||||
Glo - rio - so te cantamos Glo - rio - so lo gritamos Crist...
Hermoso Amor |||||
Todo mi pasado Borrado fue Cuando su mano Tomó y sanó Mi cor...
Nueva Canción |||||
Coro #1 Canta una nueva canción aun mas fuerte que ayer Cant...
We Bless The Name |||||
Sovereign God, You are lifted up Still You're here with us B...
Glorioso És |||||
Glorioso és eu gritarei que Glorioso és eu cantarei pra Teu ...
More And More |||||
All we want And all we need is found in Jesus All we ask is ...
Our Father |||||
Our Father who is in heaven hallow be thy name PreChorus Yo...
Sing A New Song |||||
I wanna sing a new song Shout it out louder than before Let ...
No nos moverán |||||
No nos moveran contigo estamos No nos moveran si lo que nos ...
Que el mundo escuche |||||
Eres Señor Del Universo Eres Mi Roca Y Mi Sustento Pre-Coro...
Beautiful |||||
Beautiful, Beautiful, that's what You are to me. Beautiful, ...
Here For You |||||
I am here for you To worship You This moment will not pass m...
More & More |||||
All we want and all we need is found in Jesus And all we ask...
Ante Ti |||||
Vengo ante ti Postrado aquí Contigo es donde anhelo estar Ma...
Already Won |||||
Hook Hallelu Hallelu Hallelujah Hallelu verse 1 Our God is h...
Amoroso |||||
Amoroso eres Tu Duda no hay Que eres grande para mí No hay n...