Tono: A
Am7 D9/F# Am7 D9
You sur - rounded me with songs of praise
Am7 D9/F# Am7 D9
You have brought me to this place
Am7 D9/F#
Where Your love and grace
Am7 D9
Move with - in my life
Am7 D9/F# Am7
Now Your mes - sage is my light
D9 E7(5+)
Your love is beau - ti - ful
Am9 D13
Your love is beau - ti - ful
Dm7 E7(5+)
It's the rea - son why I sing
Am7 D9/F#
All a - round the world
Am7 D9 Am7 D9/F# Am7 D9
Let the praise be - gin
Am7 D9/F#
All a - round the world
Am7 D9 Bm7 E7(5+) Am9-
Let the praise be - gin
Am7 D9/F# Am7
I am plan - ted here by the wa - ters
D9 Am7 D9/F# Am7 D9
And I'm li - ving for the King
Am7 D9/F#
I have found my peace
Am7 D9
In the house of God
Am7 D9/F# Am7
This is where I'm meant to be