When The Book Of Life Is Read

Tono: D

Introducción: D    E7    A7    D    

In Life's many battles that
G                                         D  
you will have to fight
Just stay close to Jesus and
E7                                 A7  
journey in His light
Then on that judgement morning
G                                            D  
when all pain has fled
You'll stand in God's Kingdom, When The
A7                                    D  
Book Of Life Is Read
G                                                                            D  
When the seals are broken and names are read aloud
You'll see many loved ones
E7                                    A7  
standin' in the crowd
So brother keep on prayin' and
G                                                 D  
follow where you're lead
You'll stand in God's Kingdom, When The
A7                                    D  
Book Of Life Is Read
All your dreams of heaven will
G                                            D  
come true on that day
When the sky shall open and
                E7                      A7  
this earth melts away
Then all God's faithful children will
G                                         D  
rise up from the dead
United in God's Kingdom, When The
A7                                      D  
Book Of Life Is Read
G                                                      D  
What a happy feelin' to know He'll always care
And when our work is over Heaven with
E7                    A7  
Him we'll share
D                                                                            G  
There'll be no pain or sorrow, no tears
will e'er be shed
When we stand there in God's Kingdom
                     A7                                      D  
and The Book Of Life Is Read
                D7                                                                      Em  
Reunited in God?s Kingdom When The Book
        A7      G      D  
Of Life Is Read