Tono: D
you'll have to figure out the struming pattern this is just the order.
B Gb A
E *thing
E (focusing on bottom strings)
(0'1 just means play 0 and quickly put your finger on 1. I dont know guitar lingo)
You can get by with playing
Bm A E
nees held arms open wide shades turn.. colors die
Bm A E
Don't hold to tight to the real its a ...... and it will pull you down
B Gb A
(for the last line, its best to use the E bar chord at the 7th, 2nd, 5th frets)
next verse is the same essentially
B Gb A Ebar
Then its
Repeat until you want the song to end, then I play
once or twice
(of course thats not right either, but I lost this
version of pull and I can't remember how it sounds. Just fuck around until it suits your taste)