Tono: D
D G7+
Take my hand and lead me, Father. I will walk hand in hand with you.
D G7+
You alone are my strong tower. Every word that you speak is true.
Em D/ F# G A B A B A B A
Boldly onward I will journey never leaving your side.
Em D A
Safe from danger as long as you are my guide.
G D Bm D C# B C# D
Lead me, Father. Lead me, Father. Lead me, Father. I will trust in your care.
G D Bm D C# B C# D
My life is blessed. Your love brings rest. Your way is best. My way leads to nowhere.
You are my teacher. I will read. I will listen. I will hear and learn from you.
D Bm
You're my provider. I will work. But I know that every increase comes from you.
D Bm
You're my healer. Heal my mind. Heal my body. Heal my wounded, broken heart.
D Em
You're my master. I will serve. Every day. I am happy to obey.
D/ F# G D/ F#
But I'm not just a servant. You are my Father.
Em D/ F# G
(male parts) I am your son. (female parts) I am your daughter.
A Em
You not only love me but you like me.
D/ F# G
I am your child with whom you are pleased.
G/ A D F#
Yes I am your child, and I am your friend.
G A D F#
I want to walk with you, 'cause I am your friend.
G A D F#
I want to talk with you, 'cause I am your friend.
G A D F#
I want to be with you, 'cause I am your friend.
G F#Em
I want to work with you.
D/ F# G D/ F# Em
But I'm not just a servant. You are my Father.
D/ F# G
I am your child with whom you are pleased.
A Em
You not only love me but you like me.
D/ F# G
I am your child with whom you are pleased.
Yes I am your child. And I am your friend.
D/ F# G A D
Your beloved child, Yes I am your friend.
D/ F# G A D
I want to walk with you, 'cause I am your friend.
D/ F# G A D
I want to talk with you, Yes I am your friend.
D/ F# G A D
I want to be with you, 'cause I am your friend.
D/ F# G/ A D
I want to work with you, yes I am your friend.
D/ F# G A D D7+
I am your child, and I am your friend.