Tono: Eb
C Am
My old man, born to a family of the sea
C Am
Things were scarcer then, tough life compared to me
F Dm
A skilled maker, problem solver
F Dm
Willing helper, sarcastic joker
F G G7
Destined for a life at sea, from the age of three
C Am
He&rsquo d row across the bay, to the dances with his friends
C Am
Met mum after school, thought that he was cool
F Dm
Keen helper, advice giver
F Dm
good provider, decision maker
F G G7
Life of the mariner, he took to it with ease
C Am
In his later years, so loved his grand children
C Am
Then his tied old lungs, start-ed to let him down
F Dm
Took his energy, breat-hing be-came hard
F Dm
His sharp memory, shared stories till the end
F G G7
He tried his best not, to let it get him down
C Am
Sometimes in August, I break down and cry
C Am
Miss your grumpy face, and your sound advice
F Dm
Now your ashes, float out in the bay
F Dm
Where as kids, we would go to play
F G G7
And now we try to make, most of every day
C Am
My old man, born to a family of the sea
C Am
Got all we need, you thought of everything
F Dm
Skilled maker, problem solver
F Dm
Keen helper, sarcastic joker
Now you&rsquo re free from pain, you can sail a-way&hellip a&mdash gain&hellip .