Am C
Walking on a noisy road
I search for silence if I don’t find it
I will have to do it again
Am C
I can only hear the screams
F7+ G
It's like if everyone competes
Am C
Hey Mr.Silence
F7+ G
I want to hear your voice
Am C
Hey Mr.Silence
F7+ G
Sing for me, that song of peace
Am C
Usually i can bear it, but
F7+ G
This is one of those I want to scape
Am C
In the middle of this chaos
I can see people like me
Like me, needing you
Am C
Hey Mr.Silence
Is The violence the solution?
People are not polite
Am C
Only you know what to do
F7+ G
To bring this peace that we all need
Am C
Now close your eyes
F7+ G
Put your headphones and relax
Am C
Hey Mr.Silence
F7+ G
Where are you to bring us peace?
Am C
Hey Mr.Silence
F7+ G
Where are you to make us polite?
Am C
Hey Mr.Silence
F7+ G
Where are you Mr.Silence?
Am C
Hey Mr.Silence
F7+ G
Where are you Mr.Silence?