Life Love Death And The Meter Man

Tono: G


He was holding the McCulloch
When he knocked upon her door
                                     G                                      D                            G  
Yesterday she said she didn?t love him anymore
But it wasn?t her who answered
It was some guy he didn?t know
So he fired up that chainsaw
                  D                                         G  
and he laid that sucker low
                C                                 G  
So he fired up that chainsaw
                  D                                         G  
and he laid that sucker low
But when he saw the clipboard lying
in the severed hand
                                             G                                                 D  
He realized that he just limbed from limbed
the meter man
Heard the sirens coming, and he sat
down on the steps
                                        G                                    D                      G  
Shut off his McCulloch and he lit a cigarette
C                                    G                                    D                      G  
Shut off his McCulloch and he lit a cigarette
The verdict, it was guilty and they said
"you?re gonna fry"
        G                                    D  
He didn?t see her in the back row,
C                                      G  
didn?t hear her cry
All that he could see was the terrified
face of the meter man
                                                  G                                         D  
The moment that he sent him packing to the
promised land
C                                              G                                         D  
The moment that he sent him packing to the
promised land
They led him down the hallway,
and the priest said him a prayer
He wasn?t none too happy,
                  D                                              G  
but he knew that fair was fair
Still he?d like to thank the meter man,
          C                                 G  
for coming to the door
Otherwise his true love would be
                C                                         G  
lying scattered on the floor
             G                                              D  
Otherwise his true love would be
                C                                         G  
lying scattered on the floor
And as for her, she never loved again,
no not one time
And though she broke his heart
                                D                                      G  
and led him to this ghastly crime
She prayed each day they?d be
                        C                              G  
together on the other side
                                                                  C                                              D  
And she cried herself to sleep each night until the
day she died
                                                                  C                                              D  
She cried herself to sleep each night until the
day she died