Tono: F
F Bb2 C
Cre-a-tor, Re-deem-er,
F Bb2 C
the Lamb for Sin-ners Slain,
F Bb2 C
Mes-si-ah, our Sav-ior,
F Bb2 C
Jesus, we lift up Your name
Gm7 F/A
Most Ho-ly, most wor-thy,
Bb2 Dm C
all men will pro-claim.
F Bb2 C F Bb2 Dm7 C/E F
Wor-ship and prais-es to the King of the Ag-es,
Bb2 C Dm7 Gm7 Bb7M C
pow-er and maj-es-ty to the Lamb on the throne
F Bb2 C F Bb2 Dm7 C/E F
Hon-or and glo-ry to our God, The Al-might-y,
Bb2 C Dm7
now and for-ev-er You reign,
Gm7 Dm7 Bb F
You are the King of the Ag-es.